Seven Hills Primary School

"A Place Where Everyone is valued"

 Home Learning Support


We use this site at school. It provides resources for all areas of the curriculum and can be searched by year group. There are various memberships.


Free reading books

Free e-reading books for all ages


Phonics resources for FS and KS1


Number resources for FS and KS1


Times Tables Rockstars

Times tables practice for all children. They can challenge each other and other schools. Children will have a personal username and password that they have been provided with within the last 2 years.


Writing inspriation

A series of pictures to used to inspire ideas for writing.


Learning and games for KS1

Search by subject area to cover the whole curriculum

Learning and games for KS2
Search by subject area to cover the whole curriculum


Virtual museum tours

Tour 12 of the world's most famous museums from your home


National Geo Kids

Free resources linked to science and topic learning


Mindfulness videos


Children's yoga

Children's workout videos with Joe Wicks


French games for KS2


Maths resources for all year groups

This site is still being completed but all year groups should be on there eventually


Maths Factor

Let the famous, Carol Vorderman, teach your children maths.



Wellbeing Work book KS1 ( 4-7 Year olds)

Wellbeing Work book KS2 ( 8-11 Year olds)