The Intent of the curriculum at Seven Hills Primary School is to provide:
Vibrancy and enrichment – in a broad and balanced curriculum – with a commitment to high attainment in each subject of the National Curriculum.
Acquisition of fundamental skills e.g. counts/ times-tables, in our relentless drive to ensure that every child will leave Seven Hills with the core skills and confidence to succeed.
Love of Language is developed for the enjoyment, challenge and understanding of text – from poetry, test questions and research information to modern and classic fiction -alongside developing our children’s ability to speak, read and write language effectively.
Understanding of the world in which we live is fostered, hand-in-hand with our Rights and Responsibilities to ourselves, each other and our planet.
Excellence is pursued in all we do as we develop independence in a safe and supportive environment that enhances good mental health.
Determination, resilience, hard-work and bravery are encouraged, nurtured and celebrated.