Seven Hills Primary School

"A Place Where Everyone is valued"




Welcome to our School Website.


It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the website of Seven Hills Primary School. As the Headteacher of this caring and nurturing school, I am excited about the opportunities, challenges and learning experiences provided for the children. Whatever your child's ability, you can be sure that we will endeavour to meet their need as we strive for excellence in all we do. Supporting our high expectations, Seven Hills Primary was one of the first schools in the country to be a Mindmate Champions school (the highest available Mindmate category) and recognises the highly effective provision that ensures our children are determined, resilient, caring, hard-working, brave and aspirational. We are also qualified Healthy Schools, PSHE Friendly and Asthma Friendly. We have Platinum status (highest available) for our Travel Planning which links to our sustainability work (Silver Award). We also have the History Silver Award. All staff members are passionate in ensuring that we give our children the best possible start in life, both academically and socially.

The curriculum we provide gives the children a unique and exceptional provision with a clear intent through our VALUED approach. These learning experiences include: IMPROVE Writing; topics with subjects interconnected to each other and also linked by book/ class novels; an exciting, progressive reading scheme and a wide variety of opportunities for achieving greater depth in the foundation subjects. Connections are made between all aspects and topics so that the curriculum has a build-up of knowledge, understanding and skills as the children progress through their learning journey at Seven Hills. In addition, our curriculum helps to foster the children’s community pride and their understanding and respect for British Values. The children’s classrooms are fabulous learning areas and provide a highly stimulating environment in which to learn.

Our parents and carers are respected and highly valued partners in all we do.  It is vitally important that we build on this very positive relationship between home and school.  During their years at Seven Hills, together, we ensure that every child’s true potential is reached.  We hope you will work with us to make this possible and look forward to a successful partnership. Parent responses to our March 2023 questionnaire can be seen on the school website – I am sure that you will agree they are extremely positive and reflect this strong partnership.

High quality teaching from staff, excellent support from parents and a love for learning from our outstanding children, consistently enables Seven Hills Primary School to achieve strong assessment results as our children progress through school. For instance, just prior to the Covid pandemic, the results in the KS2 SATs 2019 were 83% in Reading; 84% in Writing, 86% in Maths and 86% in Spelling and Grammar. These are all above the national average and the combined figure (age related in all of reading, writing and maths) of 72% is significantly above the national average.

As well as good levels of progress with children’s reading through our focused early phonics (ELS) provision and our book/ novel approach, the Ofsted Inspection Data Summary Report 2023, states that progress in Maths and Writing is significantly above the national average at Seven Hills by the end of Key Stage Two.

If you are unable to find the relevant piece of information that you are seeking from this website, please do not hesitate to call in or contact us.

Seven Hills Primary School: a place where everyone is valued.


Kind regards,

Mr Catherall   M.A.  N.P.Q.H.    

Latest School Calendar Events

Young Voices13Feb2025

Half Term starts17Feb2025

Spring Term 2 starts24Feb2025

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