Seven Hills Primary School

"A Place Where Everyone is valued"

Drama VisionImage result for all the world's a stage quote

The vision for Drama and Performance at Seven Hills Primary School is that children are given the opportunity to express themselves and feel confident to explore their learning, feelings and themselves through the medium of drama.

Throughout the school year children experience drama through a variety of methods, increasing in the level of difficulty and expectations as they move through their primary school years.

Children in Foundation Stage begin to learn to utilise their speaking and listening skills appropriately; taking turns and responding to questions. As they move into KS1 children will have the opportunity to perform as part of a group and individually with cross curricular links to Topic lessons, English lessons and Music lessons.

Moving into KS2, children continue to perfect these skills and are given opportunities to apply them to mature, deeper learning situations, such as considering and representing emotions in PSHE/Mindmate lessons.

At Seven Hills we ensure children are provided with many opportunities to showcase their talents and skills. With 4 productions, 4 church services, 3 performances to local community groups, a cabaret evening and a Young Voices concert, children can grow in confidence, perfect performance skills and enjoy a ‘Vibrant Curriculum’ through the medium of drama and performance.

Our aim is that all pupils leave Seven Hills Primary School as confident, social and imaginative individuals, with the skills, understanding, confidence and ability for presenting and performance.