Seven Hills Primary School

"A Place Where Everyone is valued"

French VisionImage result for foreign languages quote


A “Love of Language” is one of the valued areas of learning here at Seven Hills Primary School. Our chosen modern foreign language is French. Children are encouraged to develop an “Understanding of the world in which we live” by having the opportunity to develop their French language skills as well as learn about French culture and traditions.

Each year group in Key Stage Two has a one hour French lesson every other week. EYFS and Key Stage One will also participate in French activities including: greetings, answering the register in French, counts, French Days and French assemblies.

We have a foreign language leader who supports and oversees the teaching of French, as well as organizing French days and French events with other schools.

A structured approach to learning French ensures the children can build and consolidate their language skills and use this when new topics are introduced.

Subject areas by year group:

We also use incidental French in Key Stage Two so that throughout the day children hear and use French around the school. Similarly, to EYFS and KS1, registers are taken and classroom instructions are given in French. Children are encouraged to practice their French conversations with other children and adults around school and with parents at home.