Seven Hills Primary School

"A Place Where Everyone is valued"

Phonics in our EYFS

Phonics Teaching in EYFS

In Nursery, children take part in phonic sessions daily and follow Phase One Letters and Sounds. Phase one helps children to develop their listening skills through lots of different activities. We also teach about rhyming word and about how words are made up pf sounds by using robot talk.

In Reception, children take part in phonic sessions daily and follow the ELS scheme. Through this, the children begin to be taught phonemes (sounds) which prepares them for beginning their reading journey.

More information about ELS phonics and how it is taught can be found on our website under the 'curriculum' tab, then 'English' and then 'ELS Phonics'.

Please see the below documents to see what children will learn in phonics each term so that you can support their phonic development at home.


Nursery Phase one Phonics

Reception ELS Phonics